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The Surgery Department

Schneider Children’s serves as a primary center for children requiring various types of surgery with emphasis on complex and rare procedures. The inpatient department and operating rooms are equipped with the most advanced instrumentation especially adapted to children. The medical team of surgeons, anesthetists and nurses provides all-encompassing care to children from the operation, through recovery and hospitalization, and up until discharge. The Department conducts about 1800 surgeries each year and includes four specialty clinics which annually handle about 3500 visits.

International Fellowship Program in Pediatric Surgery


Director of the Department
Dr. Dragan Kravarusic

Location: 5th Floor
Visiting Hours: Sundays to Fridays 09:00-20:00; Saturdays 09:00-21:00
Clinic Tel: 972-3-9253682 during hours 08:00-14:00
Department: 972-3-9253735, 972-3-9253004
Fax: 972-3-9253930


Deputy Director of the Department

Dr. Elena Delugy


Senior Physicians

Dr. Efrat Avinadav
Dr. Anastasia Almog
Dr. Arthur Baazov
Dr. Osher Cohen
Dr. Yael Dreznik
Dr. Inbal Samuk, Director of the Colorectal Service

Dr. Moussa Totah

Head Nurse, Inpatients

Irina Saricov

Head Nurse, Surgical Clinics

Simona Tyroler

Medical Services

  • Inguinal hernia
  • Cryptorchidism
  • Umbilical and abdominal wall hernias
  • Hiatal hernia
  • Congenital colorectal defects
  • Congenital defects of the esophagus
  • Congenital lung defects
  • Hyper-perspiration
  • Tumor excision
  • Chest wall deformities
  • Permanent intravenous line insertion
  • Insertion of an abdominal catheter for dialysis
  • Abdominal injuries


Schneider Children’s was established as a dedicated children’s facility with the emphasis on their special needs and hospitalization conditions, from the architectural design and operating an educational center to leisure time activities and a supportive environment for patients and their families.

Doctors’ Rounds

From 08:30; Parents are requested to be present
Parents are encouraged to approach doctors with any questions

Treatment Nurse Coordinator

The nursing staff in the department works around the clock in three shifts. At the start of every shift, each nurse accepts the responsibility of a number of children to ensure that each child receives individual and professional attention. Nurses may be approached with any question or request.

Appointment with the Departmental Director

Dr. Dragan Kravarusic, Director of the Department of Surgery, is available for meetings which are arranged by the departmental secretary, Alona Rothbard.

Appointment with the Director of Nursing

Head Nurse Irina Saricov is available to respond to questions and requests throughout the morning hours. Kindly approach her or the departmental secretary directly to arrange an appointment.


The decision to discharge a child is made during doctors’ morning rounds. The discharge letter will be prepared following examination by a doctor and delivered towards 15:00. Instructions for continued care and required follow-up will be given at the time of discharge.

Surgical Clinics

General Surgery
The staff conducts pre-operative evaluations and post-operative follow-up after discharge from hospital.
Hours: Mondays, 09:30-12:30; Thursdays 10:00-12:00
Tel: 972-3-9253682 during hours 08:00-14:00
Fax: 972-3-9253287
Appointments: 972-3-9253210, Sundays to Thursdays, 08:00-15:00;
Holiday eves and intermediary holidays: 08:00-12:00


Colorectal Disorders
The staff conducts evaluations and post-operative follow-up of children with congenital defects of the large colon and anus.
Director: Dr. Inbal Samuk
Hours: Wednesdays, 11:00-13:00
Tel: 972-3-9253682
Fax: 972-3-9253287
Appointments: 972-3-9253210, Sundays to Thursdays, 08:00-15:00;
Holiday eves and intermediary holidays: 08:00-12:00


Laparoscopy (Minimal Invasive Surgery)
The clinic treats children who undergo laparoscopic procedures, and conducts post-operative follow-up.
Director: Dr. Emmanuelle Seguie
Hours: Wednesdays, 11:00-14:00
Tel: 972-3-9253682
Fax: 972-3-9253287
Appointments: 972-3-9253210, Sundays to Thursdays, 08:00-15:00;
Holiday eves and intermediary holidays: 08:00-12:00


Chest Wall Deformities
The clinic treats children who have Cobbler’s Chest (barrel chest), Dove Chest (protruding sternum) or deformities of the ribcage.
Director: Dr. Dragan Kravarusic
Hours: Thursdays, 13:00-15:00
Tel: 972-3-9253682
Fax: 972-3-9253287
Appointments: 972-3-9253210, Sundays to Thursdays, 08:00-15:00;
Holiday eves and intermediary holidays: 08:00-12:00
Appointment Form


Letter from the community physician together with the payment guarantee
Referral by doctors at Schneider Children’s


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