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Skip page contentTeaching and Training
While medical research and technology may create the tools for continued progress, it is still the inspired human being who provides the faith, spirit and skill to work its miracles. Modern pediatric medicine has become a maze of specialization and sub-specialization, which has given rise to new discoveries and innovations, challenged established beliefs, and helped create new avenues of care.
As a teaching hospital affiliated with the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University, Schneider Children’s plays an integral role in training programs for all medical students and residents, as well as nurses and paramedical staff. Training is provided to residents in pediatrics and in other specialties on elective rotations. The hospital also serves as a teaching department of pediatrics by conducting a clinical clerkship for medical students and residents from the New York State Track.
About 50% of Schneider Children's physicians serve as instructors and lecturers in the Faculty of Medicine at TAU. In so doing, the hospital's teaching and training programs help boost the ranks of highly skilled professionals in the field of pediatric medicine in Israel.
Schneider Fellows: A World Unto Itself
19 doctors, nurses and students from different countries underwent training at Schneider Children’s during 2015 as part of the hospital’s policy, which places great importance on the network of ongoing relationships with medical centers around the world, exchange of knowledge and pediatric medical support in developing countries.
The students during the current year are from Poland, Latvia, Romania, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Holland, Nigeria, Kenya, Nepal and China.
“We receive many requests for advanced training and we endeavor to respond to everyone,” said Ronit Singer, Director of External Affairs. “Welcoming fellows from abroad advances collaboration between Schneider Children’s and the hospitals where they come from, strengthens medical tourism, and contributes to Israeli “hasbara” (lit. PR) overseas. Every fellow who discovers a different Israel from that they see in the media, becomes an ambassador of our country.”
Absorption of foreign students is a testimonial of honor for every medical team in Schneider, reflecting the broad popularity of the hospital as a world-class center for pediatric tertiary care. Over and above it being part of the hospital’s vision, Schneider Children’s - as a bridge to peace that unites hearts - directly influences and strengthens international collaboration. An example of this is the agreement signed with the Cypriot Ministry of Health which has designated Schneider Children’s as the referral center for pediatric cardiac surgery for children from Cyprus – a direct result of a Cypriot doctor who underwent advanced training at the hospital.
The fellows, who spend long periods in Israel of a year or more, study Hebrew, communicate with patients and become part and parcel of the staff at Schneider Children’s. They are hosted in the homes of their hospital colleagues, are invited over for Shabbat and Holiday meals, join outings together with their hosts, and return to their homes following their time in Israel enriched with knowledge, greater skills and an Israeli experience of untold value.
June 2016
Schneider Fellows from China

Prof. Joseph Press, Director of Schneider Children's, with 30 Chinese Fellows
As part of a broader initiative to extend its collaborations with institutions, joint research studies and personnel worldwide, Schneider Children’s has welcomed increasing foreign delegations for advanced training in pediatric medicine. China in particular has strong ties with the medical center and a recent agreement has resulted in the arrival of consecutive groups of 30 Chinese “observers”, who come to the hospital for a period of three months.
Among the first group that arrived in December 2016 were Dr. Chuan Libo and Dr. Li Haiying. Dr. Chuan works at the First People’s Hospital in the Yunan Province of China as an intensive care physician. She spent 3 months in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Schneider Children’s observing complex cases in the unit. “I had never seen such cases before,” she said, noting that the team made every effort to save lives even when hope teetered on the brink. “The close collaboration of doctors from different disciplines has been exceptional. We also observed surgical procedures and attended doctors’ rounds and lectures. The experience we gained in such a short time is excellent, and we made friendships that will endure throughout our careers.”

Dr. Li (l) and Dr. Chuan
Dr. Li is a neonatologist at the Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University near Shanghai. “I became a neonatologist because I like treating newborns and when they recover, we are all very happy, so it is a ‘happy ward’”. She
claimed that their group had learnt much during their 3-month stint. “The equipment is very advanced. While we have similar machinery in China, treatments are very expensive and interdepartmental cooperation is not as sophisticated as here at Schneider Children’s.”
In addition to their clinical observerships, participants attended daily lectures, toured the country on weekends, and enjoyed home hospitality with their Israeli colleagues. “We learnt a lot,” said Dr. Li. “We will apply all this knowledge back home in China and now that we all have a whatsapp connection, we can remain in touch with our many friends.”
April 2017