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A 7-month-old infant is left with irreparable brain damage after contracting meningitis due to his not having received routine vaccinationsRead more...
Prof. Ehud Davidson, CEO of Clalit Health Services, announced the appointement of Dr. Efrat Bron-Harlev as the new Director of Schneider Children's to take effect at the beginning of October 2020Read more...
Specialists at Schneider Children's recently removed an open safety pin with attached "against the evil eye" charms from the stomach of a 7-month-old infantRead more...
Schneider surgeons and anesthetists perform a rare laparascopic (minimal invasive surgery) procedure to repair a mixed congenital hiatal hernia in 2.5kg newbornRead more...
The management of Schneider Children's Medical Center announced the appointment of Dafna Ziv Busani as the new Director of the Nutrition and Dietary Unit. She will replace Irit Poraz, who has retiredRead more...
A 9-year-old girl arrived at Schneider Children's Emergency Medicine Department (ER) recently after her mother noticed a difference in the size of her pupils in her eyesRead more...
Specialists at Schneider Children's Medical Center extracted an earring from the right main bronchus of the toddler's lung and stomachRead more...
Over recent weeks, there has been a significant rise in mental and emotional distress referrals for treatment at Schneider Children'sRead more...
Olga Gochstein, who coordinates the field of bedsores and stomas and supervises nursing shifts at Schneider Children's, received the Certificate of Excellence from the Ministry of Health on International Nurses Day 2020Read more...
Three children, aged from 1½-2 years, arrived in the ER in the same week, having inhaled or swallowed foreign objects that had reached their airway passages, lungs and stomachRead more...
The management of Schneider Children's has announced the appointment of Shay Feldman as Director of Operations and MarketingRead more...
While coping with the coronavirus, Schneider Children's conducted three life-saving organ transplants in childrenRead more...
The management of Schneider Children's has announced the appointment of Dr. Oded Scheuerman as the new Director of Pediatrics "B"Read more...
The management of Schneider Children's has announced the appointment of Dr. Ron Berant as Director of Emergency Medicine (ER)Read more...
During these days of the coronavirus pandemic, parents are avoiding the ER out of mistaken fear in contracting the virus; in an emergency, don’t wait!Read more...
5 children in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit placed on ECMO simultaneouslyRead more...
Ortal Moses Zakai has been appointed the new Director of Human Resources at Schneider Children's, and will replace Ran ZechariaRead more...
A 2-week-old infant from the center of the country was brought to Schneider Children's Medical Center due to an infection in the area of the circumcisionRead more...
Fast action by the team in the ER and ENT Department prevented complications and choking and saved the life of a 10-month-oldRead more...
The management of Schneider Children's Medical Center has announced the appointment of Dr. Dragan Kravarusic as Director of Surgery