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The infection was likely contracted from the Mohel who performed the procedure with direct oral suction of blood, against Ministry of Health regulationsRead more...
Gali was brought to Schneider Children's suffering from a brain hemorrhage and severe head traum. Following neurosurgery, she recovered amazingly but still faces a long rehabilitationRead more...
The management of Schneider Children's announced the appointment of Adi Reinzilber as the new Director of AdministrationRead more...
International Child’s Day 2020 was marked at Schneider Children’s by the Committee for the Protection of the Child under the slogan "Seeing the Children Behind the Masks"Read more...
For the first time in Israel, a unique operation involving reconstruction of the outer ear utilizing a medpor graft and a hearing device and bony implant was conducted at Schneider Children's in a single procedureRead more...
Dr. Keren Shachar-Nissan, senior physician at Schneider Children's, initiated and led research to find effective preventive care for fetal CMVRead more...
The new clinic will respond to the growing incidence of side-effects in children who have recovered from coronaRead more...
An international group of investigators from Israel and Scotland reported a breakthrough that could influence treatment in the spread of childhood lymhoblastic leukemia to the brainRead more...
A cornea implant conducted at Schneider Children's in a 3-month-old infant saved his only eye from blindnessRead more...
Doctors caution parents to keep small objects away from young children after a 3-month-old was rushed to the operating room having swallowed a gold medallionRead more...
Specialists at Schneider Children’s have issued nutritional tips in anticipation of Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)Read more...
International Awareness Day for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is marked every year on September 9th. Specialists at Schneider Children’s caution mothers and emphasize that drinking alcohol during pregnancy leads to irreversible disorders in the developing fetusRead more...
In the shadow of corona, specialists at Schneider Children’s offer tips to parents in anticipation of the new academic year: how to readjust children’s habits to a new daily routine, instructing them about road safety and what foods are best to take to schoolRead more...
15-year-old Ron Geva waited a long time to hear the exciting news "a donor heart has been found for you"Read more...
A new service will promote arrivals to the ER for emergency care while diminishing fears of arriving during the corona pandemicRead more...
During the course of one week, 4 children were treated in Schneider Children's Emergency Medicine Department (ER) due to various injuries to their fingers from inserting them into fansRead more...
A liver lobe transplant was performed in a 15-week-old infant at Schneider Children's. Little Theodore is the youngest liver recipient in the countryRead more...
Clalit's 2019 Hospital of Excellence Award was presented to Schneider Children's Medical Center for the fourth time in the last decadeRead more...
Despite the delay due to corona, Schneider Children's presented awards for 2019 Outstanding Employee to 4 veteran workersRead more...
A new clinic for the treatment of high blood pressure in children was opened within the Nephrology Institute at Schneider Children's which will also raise awareness of the disorderRead more...