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9-month-old Mirkel Titus from Liberia was born with a rare deformity in her head, and underwent successful repair at Schneider Children'sRead more...
A delegation from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), among the leading American hospitals, signed an agreement of collaboration with Schneider Children'sRead more...
A courageous decision made by the family of Makdad Badui who was tragically killed in a traffic accident, saved the life of 15-month-old Miriam DiabRead more...
Children hospitalized at Schneider Children's share their thoughts at the Patient's Council, the first of its kind in the countryRead more...
Dr. Eyal Yaacobi has joined the team of specialists in the Institute of Pulmonology at Schneider Children's. He recently returned to Israel following a four-year period of study in Toronto, CanadaRead more...
Mazaltov Prof. Izraeli, Director of the Hemato-Oncology Division at Schneider Children's, and recipient of two prestigious international awards!Read more...
Research at Schneider Children's has found that playing music to infants with bronchiolitis improves their conditionRead more...
A 3.5cm sharp pin was removed from the lung of a 3-year-old toddler this week by specialists at Schneider Children's. Doctors warn parents to move all small items out of reach from infants and small childrenRead more...
In addition to all the advantages of the season, there are dangers that are worthwhile knowing about and taking into account in order to protect our children and to enjoy a healthy and safe vacationRead more...
The lives of two small children were saved following liver transplants that were conducted at Schneider Children's one after the other within the space of 24 hoursRead more...
The ceremony to honor outstanding employees at Schneider Children's took place recently at the hospitalRead more...
The unique operation took place at Schneider Children's with the cooperation of Beilinson HospitalRead more...
Ilona from Ukraine was brought to Israel together with her parents on a special medical flight to undergo an emergency liver transplant at Schneider Children'sRead more...
The unique procedure aimed to straighten and bend her limbs for the first time in her lifeRead more...
For the first time in Israel, pediatric organ recipients participated in a fashion campaign to raise awareness about organ transplantation in childrenRead more...
The tour, a gift from the UAE Ambassador to children at Schneider, was arranged at his initiative following his visit to the Oncology DepartmentRead more...
The first Caesarian section performed by the Israeli team in the "Shining Star" field hospital in Ukraine received a dramatic turnaround when the newly born infant started to turn blue and needed urgent life-saving attentionRead more...
Schneider Children's medical team, which returned recently from Ukraine, conducted an emergency operation in a 16-year-old youth who arrived at the "Shining Light" field hospital set up by IsraelRead more...
Specialists at Schneider Children's have issued recommendations about coping with anxiety in children due to the current wave of violenceRead more...
A marathon of 5 organ transplants took place within the space of one week at Schneider Children's highlighting International Kidney DayRead more...
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