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The Genetics Unit

Pediatric Genetics is a leading groundbreaking field, because individualized treatment can be designed for each child following a genetic test. The Genetics Unit at Schneider Children’s operates in partnership with the Raphael Recanati Genetics Institute at Rabin Medical Center headed by Prof. Lina Basel.


Hours for genetic consultations: Sundays and Tuesdays, 08:00–15.00
Location: 2nd Floor
Appointments: 972-3-9253526 (Sundays to Thursdays, 08:00-14:00)
Fax for referrals: 972-3-9253913

Director of the Clinical Genetics Unit
Dr. Naama Orenstein

Senior Physicians

Dr. Ranit Yaron
Dr. Efrat Sufrin Drucker
Dr. Nurit Assia Batzir
Dr. Nesia Kropach Gilad

Pediatric Genetic Diseases Clinic

Clinical staff conduct clinical and molecular diagnosis of medical disorders in children. These include suspicion of neuromuscular diseases, liver disorders, kidney disorders, lung disorders, metabolic disorders, developmental delays, autism, neuromotor disorders, epilepsy, hearing and sight disorders, skin disorders, albinism, low stature, skeletal disorders, hyper-growth, congenital heart defects, arrhythmias, hyper flexibility, early childhood diabetes, cleft palate, blood diseases, chronic inflammations, immune disorders, and every child who suffers from multiple system disorders without known reason.


The aim of genetic testing is to find the reason for the child's medical disorder so that the most suitable treatment can be given to the child, and also to provide appropriate guidance to the family who are at increased risk or pre-natal guidance. Molecular tests can provide a rapid and efficient diagnosis to obviate a long and complicated evaluation which today can be simple and quick.


During the evaluation process, medical information, medical history of the child and his family, previous tests, past physician's assessments, and the family tree are taken into account. A detailed physical examination takes place with further tests indicated based on the information at hand.


Therefore, it is important to arrive at the first appointment with all relevant medical documentation, height and weight measures, and results of prior medical tests. Following all recommended testing, a second meeting takes place to discuss findings and ongoing care.




Letter from the community physician, together with the payment guarantee
Referral by doctors at Schneider Children’s


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