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Pregnant or Planning Pregnancy?

In anticipation of the Gregorian calendar New Year celebrations, specialists at Schneider Children’s warn pregnant women, or those planning pregnancy, against drinking any alcohol which endangers the fetus
Date: 26.12.16 | Update: 09.01.17

Dr. Yehuda Sanetzky, Director of the Clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of children exposed to alcohol during pregnancy, which works in cooperation with the National Alcohol and Drug Abuse Authority, urges pregnant women or those planning pregnancy to refrain altogether from drinking alcohol.

Alcohol is one of the most dangerous substances to the developing fetus in the womb and drinking alcoholic drinks during pregnancy can lead to irreversible damage of the nervous system and other body organs. The amount of alcohol that passes through the placenta to the fetus is exactly the same amount that has accumulated in the mother’s blood. The main danger is “drinking revelry” when a large amount of alcohol is consumed in a short time. Since a safe level of alcohol consumption is not known, the overall recommendation of all leading health organizations in the world as well as Schneider Children’s is to avoid alcohol altogether when planning a pregnancy or during pregnancy.

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can lead to various developmental disorders in the fetus. In the Western World, it is felt that alcohol exposure during pregnancy is the most common cause for neuro-developmental disorders in the fetus, which can be altogether avoided. Research undertaken in 2010 by Schneider specialists found that over 15% of pregnant women in Israel drink alcohol in varying quantities.  

Dr. Yehuda Sanetzky                               

Schneider Children’s operates a special clinic for the diagnosis, treatment and follow up of children exposed to alcohol during pregnancy. The clinic treats a range of disorders on the Alcohol Spectrum Disorder characterized by developmental problems, attention and concentration deficit, emotional and behavioral disturbances, physiological organ damage, that result from exposure to alcohol during the fetal stage, and complex cases of full-blown Fetal Alcohol Syndrome that includes developmental and physiological disorders and typical facial distortions.


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